From Monday, September 23rd to Wednesday, September 26th, 2019, Aqualitec is attending WEFTEC, which is the biggest water quality conference in the world. The 92nd annual Water Environment Technical Exhibition and Conference is taking place at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois and features great program and exhibitors.
Stop by Aqualitec Booth #8100 – Use our promo code EVITE7457 for a FREE Expo Registration! – to find out about our flagship pump station bar screen Screentec, multirake screen, sludge belt filter press and many other products.
Our experts will be on hand to answer all your wastewater questions: Find out how our bestselling Screentec bar screen can help you save big on maintenance costs. Hear some success stories. Tell us about your screening or sludge issue and let us help you find an effective, cost-efficient solution.
Our experts will be on hand to answer all your wastewater questions: Find out how our bestselling Screentec bar screen can help you save big on maintenance costs. Hear some success stories. Tell us about your screening or sludge issue and let us help you find an effective, cost-efficient solution.
Looking forward to meeting you at WEFTEC 2019 and feel free to contact us beforehand!