Grit Classifier

Grittec is a grit classifier that separates rock, sand, and grit from screened wastewater. A large surface tank allows screened material to settle to the bottom, where a shaftless screw conveys screened debris to a dumpster.

Grittec Grit Classifier
Grit Removal System Grittec


Fast return on investment.
Low, economical maintenance.
Low energy consumption.

Grittec will help you save money while improving process and working conditions.



The grit removal system operates by decantation to remove grit, sand, and rocks. Influent water flows slowly into the inlet hopper to allow grit to settle at the bottom of the tank. Then, captured grit is conveyed upward by the shaftless spiral. Effluent water evacuates through the top of the hopper to allow complete grit removal. A spray bar and cyclone system is optional.

Grittec can be installed in combination with our Hydrocyclone.

grittec schematic

Features & Benefits

Efficient grit classification is achieved through the utilization of a tank that is both deep and wide.

Design Guidelines

Capacity: up to 550gpm
Suspended materials capture > 95% of particles > 200µm​
Organic materials < 30% of suspended materials
Sand dryness > 80%• Water: Between 2 and 20 gal per hour
Absorbed power: ½hp (0.37KW)
304 or 316 Stainless Steel
Voltage: custom to site availability – 3φ required
Hydrocyclone option
Download PDF
Grittec: Hydrocyclone



Grit Classifier Grittec for Headworks

Headworks – Norwalk, OH

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For any questions about our wastewater treatment solutions, please fill out the contact form below and our team of experts will get back to you shortly.

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3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90034